Chalet Coop - 8'x8'
The Chalet Coop was designed with mountain homes and modern farmhouse style in mind! If you are looking for a large chicken coop with a true wow-factor for your property, then this coop is for you! The modern yet rustic appeal of the 10x8 Chalet Coop, coupled with its incredible porch (with enough room for seating), impressive height and storage area make this coop more than desirable!
VIDEO: Learn How to Design Your Perfect Chicken Coop!
Financing available! Learn more.
All Chicks Interiors: Ideal for 21, up to 32 chickens
4'x4' Chicks & Peeps Interiors: Ideal for 11, up to 16 chickens
5'x3' Chicks & Peeps Interiors: Ideal for 13, up to 20 chickens
All Cutest Coops come equipped with the Thoughtful Features that make our coops the best option for those looking for a quality chicken coop! A few more reasons to love Cutest Coops:
- Easy Cleaning: Clean-Out-The-Coop™ Door & Removable Roosts
- Accessibility: Walk-in Style Coops & Access to Nesting Boxes w/o Having to Walk Into Chicken Area
- Comfortable: Run Door Comes on Pulley System (is also compatible with Automatic Run Door)
- Learn more about these and other Cutest Coops' features: Learn More!
*Please note: shipping is calculated at checkout.
Cutest Coops Runs: Are made of treated wood & very strong gauge 1/2" hardware wire to protect your flock! The top of our runs also has 1/2" hardware wire. They are full size and walk-in style and line up with the bottom of your roofline. These runs also have a full size door with a locking handle included. Although our runs are unpainted many of our clients elect to paint them after 6-12 months of allowing the sunshine to help dry the wood in order to allow the paint to adhere properly!
Paint Selection as Shown on Product Page:
- Coop 1: All Paint Colors are Custom Client Colors by Sherwin Williams
LEAD TIME: 3-5 weeks
All Layout Options Include:
All Chicks:
Chicks & Peeps (People):
Visit our Shipping page for more detail & what to expect.
Click here to learn more about assembling your coop.
Key Features
All of our coops are built with chickens and their owners in mind, which is why our coops and runs have a standard height door and are of the interior height that allows for a comfortable standing room. Our sidewalls have a minimum height of 5’, except for The Charming Coop; however, most of our coops sidewalls are between 6’-7’, eliminating stress on chicken owners’ backs.
Clean-Out-The-Coop™ Door
All of our coops have our signature Clean-Out-The-Coop Door™. This 10”x3’ door is an opening by the floor of the coop that allows for easy clean out of the shavings/debris from your coop. Another feature that contributes to cleanliness is our attention to detail in that owners never have to enter their coop to either gather eggs or open the run.
Predator Safe
All of our coops are incredibly well built and nearly impossible for any predator to penetrate. Additionally, our windows, doors, and runs have additional screens made of the highest quality hardware wire, which keeps critters out and chickens safe.
Each coop offers adequate ventilation for your flock through a combination of wall vents and built-in roofline ventilation (varies based on model). Additionally, they come with screens on both doors and windows, made out of the highest quality hardware wire! The “Chicks and Peeps” interior options come with even more ventilation due to the full wall of hardware wire that comes with this layout.
Can't decide on style or colors? Schedule a one-on-one consultation with a member of our design team!
Use the form to start planning your custom coop, or peck a spot on our calendar to schedule a one-on-one consultation with a member of our design team!